Our Affordable Rates

Pricing / Plans

24/7 Support
Buy a Premium + plan and get professional support and help
Increased limits
Extended alert limits that allow you to automate and create a trading strategy or automatic messages for specific events
Product Development
Paid plans allow us to develop the product even faster and make it better
Choose Pricing Plan
Join us today and experience the power of our innovative approach and new vision in technical analysis.
3 Alerts
1 Accounts
10 Alerts
5 Accounts
Email Support
100 Alerts
100 Accounts
24/7 Support (Email, chat)
Frequently Asked Questions
If you have a question or comment, please share it with us!
Tamap offers both free and premium subscription plans. The free plan includes basic features, while premium plans may have additional features and come with a subscription fee. You can choose the plan that suits your needs.
Yes, we do! If you prepay for a 3-month, 6-month or a yearly plan, you'll receive a 20%-40% discount. Please check the price calculator above.
An alert is an event that triggers a message or webhook automation. Once you enable an Alert, Tamap will monitor the triggering event. If you create an Alert that sends you a message every time the described rule is triggered, for example MACD > 5, 1 alert will be sent per trading instrument, regardless of the number of triggers.
An account is a telegram account or an email that you can add for alerts.
You can pay with crypto (BTC, ETH, USDT) for our Premium, Premium+ subscription plans.
Bitcoin (BTC) - Bitcoin network; Ethereum (ETH) - ERC20 network; Tether (USDT) - ERC20 network. It is important that the network you are withdrawing funds from is the same as the network you are depositing funds into. Please note that if the funds are sent via a different network, it will result in the loss of your payment. Please make sure you consider your options and don’t always choose the cheapest commission.
You've already read our policy and might know how it works. However, exceptions can be made because life happens. We always try to provide the best service possible and sometimes exceptions can be made. Please contact our support team and we will see what we can do to help.
There are no authorized resellers of Tamap plans. Any Tamap subscription can only be purchased on the Tamap website, and the purchase must be completed manually by you (i.e. the account owner), otherwise you risk being scammed. Tamap is not and cannot be held responsible for any issues with your account and/or subscription(s) purchased through a third party service.
You can try a 30-day Premium Trial for free when you first register on the Tamap platform.
The free 30-day Premium Trial offers the same features as the Premium plan. Please note that at the end of the trial period, you will be automatically upgraded to the Premium Plan and automatically charged for the new period. If you don't want to continue with Premium access, simply switch to the free plan before your Premium trial expires.
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Start working with Tamap to experience the benefits of full trading automation with our technically advanced map